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Covert Landline Recorders Are Hot!

Adrian Mudd   May 14, 2012

Ever since the EU regulated to outlaw the use of FM and UHF transmitters, the spy industry has been searching for an alternative to completely discrete landline recorders and telephone surveillance. Now a solution has finally been found.

Spy Equipment UK has just launched a new range of landline recorders and telephone recording solutions that take landline phone surveillance into a whole different league. Although only two covert recording solutions have been released so far, they have both caused a real stir and are already selling faster than they can be made.

Landline Recorders For Any Home Phone

FM and UHF transmitters have been around for decades in different formats, for mobile call recording. They were previously the popular choice of those who were undertaking covert audio surveillance operations. The transmitters could easily be hidden inside a landline telephone wall socket and with a receiver placed within transmission distance coupled to a recorder, covert monitoring was exceptionally discrete.

After their use was outlawed in the EU, a gap in the spy and surveillance equipment market needed to be filled. This was a difficult problem to solve because technology had not advanced to the extent that a recorder could be attached to a landline other than by externally connecting a piece of equipment externally to the telephone wall socket. And although external recorders had become smaller, more sophisticated and discrete, it is only now that a ‘new breed’ of landline recorders have been developed that can be deployed in a totally covert manner.

The two new landline recorders that can be found in our Professional Landline Recorders section are designed for achieving landline monitoring in absolute discretion. The Black Box Landline Recorder is designed to attach anywhere along a landline and is small enough to fit within a telephone wall socket. This device is perfect for use on landlines where no broadband connection is in place on the same line. The other recording unit is built within a fully-functional ADSL Filter, which means that it is ideal for deployment on landlines with a broadband connection in use on the line. Both products are only limited by the size of micro SD card that has been inserted into the unit an incredible fact that means that both of these devices are now ‘hot property’!