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Corbyn’s Lawyers Defend Against Spy Allegations

February 22, 2018

This week, Tory MP Ben Bradley accused Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of selling British secrets to Russian spies… The exact tweet goes like this: “Corbyn sold British secrets to communist spies…get some perspective mate!! Your priorities are a bit awry! #AreYouSerious.” What Was Corbyn’s Response To These Allegations? Corbyn’s lawyers are now demanding an apology […]

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Alternate Realities: What If Thatcher Had Spy Equipment?

December 21, 2017

A Coup. An oust. A betrayal. 1990, England. Victim? Margaret Thatcher and an era of ruthless pragmatism. Today we present a new series: alternative realities. In which, we explore historical situations, and much like our 5 TV shows and Movies That Would Be Ruined With Spy Equipment article, place our equipment and see how that […]

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Sports Direct Accused Of Bugging Private MP Meeting

November 15, 2016

Sports Direct has been lambasted after MPs discovered a listening device during a private meeting at the firm’s warehouse in Derbyshire, Shirebrook last week. The parliamentarians were investigating working practices at Sports Direct, and were frustrated when they located the unauthorised hidden recording device during a private meeting held between them in the warehouse. The […]

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CCTV In The Community – Another Perspective

July 10, 2010

This week we have had many incidents in the news that have all made us think about security and surveillance. CCTV cameras have always been contentious and sometimes public opinion boils over.

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