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Flies Could Be the Next Undercover Spies

Adrian Mudd   April 30, 2008

When venturing into a spy shop, you would rightly expect to find all manner of spy technology such as listening devices and hidden voice recorders. However, according to a report on Sky News, you may need to keep a wary eye on insects as the could be fitted with listening devices.

Spy technology is getting ever more advanced and it may not be long before we are surrounded by winged super sleuths. According to a report on Sky News, scientists have successfully managed to formulate experiments that allow them to control animals and insects. Even something as tiny and easily overlooked as the fly on your wall. Don’t expect to find these scientific breakthroughs in your local spy shop any time soon though; governmental agencies may have other espionage based ideas for these swarms of miniature James Bond’s.

Appliance of Science

Scientists are constantly making advances in the world of spy equipment but the realm of mind control was previously one of science fiction but according to the report on Sky News, scientists have successfully managed to coerce insects do to their bidding in laboratory experiments. Flies and insects that you could use to spy on your friends or enemies would be sure to fly off the shelves in a spy store but this development may be a long way off. The spy orientated scientists managed to achieve their goal of controlling insects by inserting microprobes into beetle pupa days before it hatches. These microprobes are placed near the wings and brain of the insect and gradually become integrated into the body. This allowed researchers to control the movements and flight paths of the insects remotely. This is a great step forward in spy gadgets and should this technology ever make it into the spy store, then there will definitely be no shortage of suitors.

The Future of Spy Technology

The future application of these winged spies will be to incorporate listening or bugging devices on them so their true espionage potential can be reached. Speaking to Sky News, David Cohen of The New Scientist publication, enthused about the potential of this spy equipment and stated, “It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that putting a camera on an insect could be achieved within a year.” These developments have made people in the spy equipment industry sit up and take notice and many a spy store will be clamouring to be the first to stock remotely controlled insects.