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MI6 Spy Discovered Dead In Macabre Circumstances

Adrian Mudd   August 29, 2010

Last week a spy named as Gareth Williams was discovered at his flat in London in a macabre scene. Will the grisly death of this MI6 agent every be revealed?

His body appears to have lain undiscovered for around two weeks and was stuffed into a sports bag. So far there have seemingly been no clues as to the murderer’s identity or even a motive that may give investigating officers a reasonable line of enquiry. No signs of forced entry were apparent at the crime scene. The named man was understood to be an MI6 agent, which makes the discovery even more bizarre.

The Macarbe Case of this Spy

Was Williams on an undercover operation, but his identity was uncovered leading to his death as a cover up? If this was the case, then why was the agent’s body not discovered earlier? Surely colleagues would have become suspicious earlier and the discovery would have been made earlier. More to the point. If Williams had been assassinated by the opposition, then surely some sort of untraceable method would have been used to kill him rather than what must have clearly been a ‘butchers job’.

Of course with there being no notable forced entry into the flat then the murderer could also have been somebody that he knew who was invited inside his flat and who later attacked and killed Williams. Could it have been a work colleague with something to hide or maybe a partner who committed this gruesome act as a result of a violent argument? It’s a shame that there weren’t any spy cameras deployed for conclusive evidence in this case.

Will the Truth Out?

Whatever your opinion is, one thing is for sure. We probably won’t find out what really happened for another 50 years! And with spies recently being discovered and uncovered in the US, who says the cold war is over. I don’t think that it ever really was, it had just changed shape and gone further underground. Contact us to discuss this subject in greater detail or to talk about any of our spy products.