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New Website Launch

Adrian Mudd   September 22, 2013

Our new Spy Shop website has really moved us on from the previous tired offering. The site has been redesigned from the ground up and offers a better functionality and browsing experience in general. There is lots more to come….

It has been a long time in the planning and making, but in the middle of August we had finally reached the stage where the latest generation of the Spy Equipment UK website was ready to launch. Our previous website had been around since summer 2008 and was limited in functionality. A fresh approach was needed because although the last website was still perfectly functional, it looked dated and lacked the ability to evolve any further.

Ask a Spy a Spy Question

Now, some five weeks after its launch the new Spy Equipment UK website has already moved on somewhat. By the launch date we had added extra sections containing product details not present previously such as our Spy Guy question and answers page for each device. he we were able to ask some of the questions that we were often asked by customers and potential buyers. Some of the questions may seem a bit obvious to those technically aware individuals, but to the average person they are very relevant.

Another major area of improvement included the amount of images that we are able to upload for each product. On the old website we realistically could only show one other than a thumbnail, whereas on the new site we can upload up to eight! There may only currently be two images on some products, but this will change over the coming weeks and we expect to give as much information pictorially as possible.

Easy to Find Your Perfect Spy Product

It is difficult to pick out the biggest change because the site is clearly so different to the previous generation, however the checkout system has to be the most improved area. Gone are the numerous pages in the unclear ‘staged’ checkout process and in has come a single page checkout, clearly set out so that even the uninitiated surely cannot fail to navigate through it.

We shouldn’t forget to mention the mobile device friendly site that we have just launched. Something that was not previously possible to add was instigated within two weeks of launch. Now customers can easily browse their favourite spy camera products on the site using their iPhone, Android, Blackberry or other smartphone/tablet device without the need to zoom in and out, pan across pages, scroll so much, etc.

Don’t think that we are going to leave it there. We are not standing still. There is so much development work to undertake, so many ideas to implement. No, actually we have only just started. We hope that you will stay with us as we improve so many things for existing customers and new visitors alike.