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Spies Become Cool Again

Adrian Mudd   November 13, 2012

Mission Impossible and Bourne movies always cause a stir, but the latest 007 offering, Skyfall, has really racked up the interest in spies once again. And it’s not just the fictional spies that seem to be getting all of the attention here

Spies in the Film Industry

I guess that the release of any 007 James Bond film has a knock on effect to the spy industry. In previous years, Spy Equipment UK has been involved with the both the media and film industries for the promotion of the latest spy related movie. When it comes to spy movies, there really is no franchise that is bigger than 007. The latest offering, Skyfall has received high accolade from across the globe and is set to break all records as the biggest bond film ever

How the Spy Film Industry is Affecting the Retail Sector

Bond maybe the coolest spy on the block, but the additional interest in the spy industry has not only had a good knock on effect for the spy retail sector. The media in general seems to have teeth into some very revealing spy stories and has broadened awareness of some old spy tales as well.

British double-agent George Blake who spied for the Russians during the Cold War period has just turned 90 and Vladimir Putin didn’t miss the chance to pay his tributes to the British traitor by sending him Birthday wishes.

spy on phone

Former CIA director David Petraeus has also been in the news after being caught out cheating on his wife with a colleague (see cheating partner). The facts were unearthed when the former CIA Chief had his webmail accounts hacked into thus revealing the truth about the affair.  These stories are just the tip of the iceberg really, but one thing is for sure.

The media attention in relation to spies and spy scandal is now hitting dizzy heights and sets to continue for quite some time yet. It’s about time they started making the next Bond movie don’t you think? Contact us if you wish to talk about this subject in further detail.