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Unattended Package Surveillance

Adrian Mudd   June 26, 2008

Any amateur can buy spy equipment from a spy shop, and it seems judging by a recent story in the press, the amateur spies might do a better job! The story that a British spy left secret anti-terror files on a train is a worrying one. It seems no matter how advanced spy equipment is or how many cool gadgets you can pick up in a spy shop, there’s no replacement for common sense. There are countless surveillance and counter surveillance spy gadgets that you can by in a spy shop, but if a spy is leaving secret files behind on a train, you don’t exactly need them!

Unattended Package SurveillanceSurveillance and The Security Forces

Security is big business as the war on terror continues. And although much of the surveillance equipment available from a spy shop is invaluable for private and government security forces, everyday common sense and intelligence is also crucial. During security alerts, there is often a physical reaction that’s aimed to have a psychological effect; highly visual security forces, sniffer dogs, and security equipment is paraded to deter the enemy and reassure the public. But the secret war of spying and information gathering demands more subtle approaches. The counter surveillance equipment available to buy in a spy shop is integral, but just one silly mistake can undo the efforts of trying to reassure the public and deter the enemy.

Strangers on a Train

The spy who left a secret intelligence dossier on a commuter train has damaged the UK’s image. Writing in The Guardian critic Mark Lawson said: As security goofs go, this one is almost perfectly embarrassing because of the transport method involved. After Britain’s espionage high command write down their plan for dealing with terrorists who leave bombs on trains, where do they then leave the anti-bomb strategy?€ Lawson wrote. And although the public are clued up about spies, with spy cameras available to buy from an online spy shop, rather than hand the dossier to the government, the person who found the file gave it straight to the media.

The Name’s Bean…

Although anyone can indulge in surveillance thanks to the latest technology available to buy in a spy shop, many people assume that to be a spy takes ingenuity and intelligence. This high profile blunder however makes the nation’s security services look more like Mr Bean than Mr Bond. Contact our team of private investigators and surveillance professionals for advice on your situation, and to discuss our product ranges.