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New Year, New Gear, New Site

Adrian Mudd   January 24, 2018

The festive period is over, and we hope you had a wonderful holiday. However, even though the Christmas and NYE celebrations have come to an end, there’s still so much to be excited about at Spy Equipment UK.

As one of the leading spy gear manufacturers in the UK, we love to keep our products and services as up-to-date as possible. Long story short, it’s going to be a good year for us and our spy gear customers.

So, what’s in stall for the next 12 months? Well firstly, we will be releasing a host of new products this year, including our latest Wi-Fi spy cameras and high-end bug sweepers, updating some of our currently sold products. Throughout the year, we expect to see some incredibly high-tech products coming on to the spy equipment market.

We are also launching a new website this year. While the aesthetics will not change a great deal – we happen to love the current design! – the new website will lead to a slicker, more navigable experience for our online customers. Find out more about our developments below!


spy equipment saves the day

Our new website

In today’s fast-paced marketplace, a good website is imperative. That’s why we are busy working on ways improve the online experience for our customers. There will not be many obvious visual changes to the brand or logo, but what users will see is a more refined, user-friendly interface with slicker options and a better journey. Some areas we are working on include:

Mobile responsiveness – an alarming amount of smartphone users order products and services via their mobile devices. We understand the growing need for online stores to provide a user-friendly, mobile responsive platform on which to browse and purchase spy equipment. Working closely with our web development team, we will ensure that our mobile and tablet browsing experience is further perfected.

Payment system – we live in a fast-paced world, where we need to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. That’s why we are revamping our payment system. Customers can expect and much faster payment journey, with a one-click option available for those of you on the move or with little time.

Overseas shipping – while most of our products are made in the UK, our customers span the globe. We often send our products to China, Europe, Africa and the United States, to name but a few, so it’s understandable that our overseas customers want to receive a high-quality distribution service. That is why we are working to enhance our overseas shipping by working closely with our trusted distributors to make the journey time quicker and more efficient.

360 photographs – a good image speaks volumes, but a 3D image takes you to a whole other level. We will be taking professional and compelling 3D images of all our products. We want to show off the high-quality of our spy devices and ensure you can see just how great our products are before you purchase them.

Live chat – go on to any eCommerce site and you will see a little notification box pop up to ask, ‘Can I help you today?’ Sometimes, it’s just not convenient to wait 2-3 days for an email response; sometimes it’s too costly to make a phone call. We have recognised that people need answers to their queries and questions as soon as humanly possible, which is why we have introduced our AI-based live help service. Our aim here is to guide customers to the right products during out of hours.

New spy products for 2018

Our team of spy equipment experts has been busy putting together a range of new products to be launched later this year. Once these new products have been finalised, and the new website is up and running, we will be preparing these projects for launch. We don’t want to give away too much – anticipation is the best part of the experience after all. But we do want to share some of our developments with you.

We will be revamping our range of trackers, audio recorders, Wi-Fi cameras and bug-sweepers, as mentioned above. But we will also be introducing some entirely new devices which we are particularly excited about. Expect to see some awesome new hidden spy cameras, including our plant pot camera and bird box spy camera and our lamp voice recorder – watch this space!

Contact Spy Equipment today

At Spy Equipment UK, we welcome your feedback and comments. If you would like to find out more about our products, current or new, get in touch with Spy Equipment UK today via email ( or call us on +4424 76 010588. Attentively, give our live chat a whirl and leave a direct message for us!