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You Thought It, You Bought It, You Caught It: Was It Worth It?

Adrian Mudd   October 26, 2017

Thoughts rambling around in your head: ‘Where is he?’, ‘Who are they with?’, ‘What are they up to?’, ‘Why aren’t they home?’ – resonating so loud that everyday life becomes hard. When it comes to suspicions of a cheating partner you want clarity. You deserve clarity.

This is the situation many of our clients are in. Respectable citizens wanting the basic human right of the truth. That’s why we’re proud of what we do. This isn’t skullduggery, we enable people to take what they’re owed. We give them peace of mind.

Many get caught up asking themselves “Is It Ethical To Spy On A Cheating Partner?“, or perhaps think thoughts such as: ‘even if I do catch them, what then? I’ll be alone.’ We understand why people may think this, but for us at Spy Equipment UK, the truth is the most valuable thing in this dishonest world. If you have the opportunity to obtain it, and you are choosing not to, you are only disrespecting yourself. Disrespecting honesty.

spy gear catches cheating partner

A Customer Of Ours

We recently spoke to (unnamed) from East Anglia: A customer of ours in recent months. She had emailed us for our suggestions on the best products to try and catch her husband, and also for a little advice on the topic. She was somewhat tentative about the ordeal. The thought of spying on her husband had never been a reality, then the secrecy took its toll. She believed there was something to uncover.

We gave her our opinion: why we believe our equipment is an absolute necessity in these situations. We suggested she used one of our spy cameras. The client eventually decided on our covert DAB radio spy camera to assist in her pursuit of the truth – an ideal device for these scenarios, though we have created a full list of our best products for catching a cheating spouse here.

We concluded our conversation by asking if we could catch up in a month or two to see how the situation panned out. Most of the time these favours are rejected. But this one customer – on the premise that her identity would be withheld – said she was willing to let us in on second stage of her quest.

With the help of our gear, she eventually confirmed her suspicions; her spouse was cheating. When we caught up with her she had this to say…

You Thought It, You Bought It, You Caught It: Was It Worth It?

“of course, it was life shattering, but there’s nothing worse than not knowing. When you’re not given total honesty – make your own”

“He was cheating on me with a woman he met on Ashley Madison. It’s sickening on many levels. I feel betrayed. I feel stupid. Never again. Not me. I will never let this happen again.”

You Struggled With The Ethics of it All Beforehand. How Do You Feel Now?

“Sometimes, in dire straits, it’s not a matter of ‘is it ethical’ it’s a matter of ‘is he disregarding every single thing we’ve built.”

“Yes, perhaps there is elements of it that is indeed unethical. But I didn’t care. If I didn’t catch him with the equipment I did buy, i’d buy more”

“When I first started getting these fears, I felt stupid and crazy. I felt small. After getting the equipment, I felt I had the upper hand. It empowered me.”

What Are You Up To Now That It’s All Over?

“I left him. He left the house. The kids are confused, but they’ll understand soon enough.”

“My life’s better now. I’m glad it happened. I did worry about our children at the beginning, but if they had a mother who somewhat knew their father was cheating, and still stayed with him. What kind of message would that send? I don’t want my daughter to be like that. She needs to be strong.”

“It gave me a chance to finally get some closure and answer many qualms I had for years. I could move on with my life.”

Discovering the truth with professional spy equipment

This is the reason we do what we do: as our client alluded towards, closure. She can now begin a new chapter, leaving all the clandestine behind her. Without us, she’d be left guessing. It is a great honour to deliver this service. For many of our clients, when they finally complete the purchase, it means total war on hugger-muggery. And many have sincere interest in that, including us. So for this client to share her experience is a great deal. It hopefully will steer many on-the-fence clients towards their pursuit of the truth. If you have suspicions, it’s important to be wary. There are many ways to spot a cheat, but only spy gadgets put cheating under the spotlight.

If you have any questions, or if you’re unsure about the type of equipment you may require in your pursuit for the truth, get in touch with our friendly, professional team on 024 76 010588 or drop us an email at You can also fill out our online request form here, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.