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Is It Ethical To Spy On A Cheating Partner?

Adrian Mudd   July 17, 2017

There are many reasons for why someone may consider spying on a cheating partner. If they suspect infidelity, or they are curious about a spouse’s recent changes in behaviour (eg. they are spending more time on their phone or the computer), for example.

spying on a cheating partner

While some believe that there are ethical concerns associated to spying on a spouse – an invasion of privacy, lack of trust, irrational jealousy, etc – purchasing spy equipment to spy on your spouse without a PI or hiring a private investigator to monitor their whereabouts becomes quite lucrative.

Reasons why someone might spy on a partner

Here are some of the reasons for why a person might want to find out if their partner is cheating:

Emotional security

You could spend days, weeks or months fretting over that niggling feeling or anxiousness in the pit of your stomach – the one we sometimes get when something just doesn’t feel right. And this feeling can be emotionally draining. For this reason, people often turn to spying on their spouse in order to get to the bottom of the situation quickly.

To protect your health

Unfortunately, there is a danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease if a spouse is cheating. If there is a possibility that the spouse in question is having an affair and may not be using protection, they could be putting health at risk. Health and well-being are a primary concern, and one of the major reasons people spy on their cheating partners.

Legal issues

If the couple is married, spying on a spouse may give them the evidence they need to file for divorce. A court is likely to take this information into account when it comes to dividing finances and assets.


When a partner is suspected of being unfaithful, it can cause the other person to doubt their self-worth, and whether they are responsible. Taking action against a cheating spouse may give them the confidence needed to confront them about their behaviour.

spy on cheating partner

These are some of the broad-scope reasons why someone might want to spy on their partner. If you are unsure about whether it’s time to break out the spy camera, then we have prepared a helpful list of seven signs that your partner if cheating.

Reasons why someone shouldn’t spy on a partner

Below, we have created a list of reasons for why spying on a spouse may not be the most appropriate idea:


If both people are in a trusting relationship and know that they can communicate openly and honestly with each other, the suspecting partner may want to confront them about their behaviour resorting to before spying on them.


When someone has a tendency to be a jealous partner, it might not be the case that the partner in question is cheating, particularly if that person is someone who constantly believes their spouse is up to no good. In these cases, it may not be a good idea to spy – this could end up being detrimental to a relationship.

Domestic abuse

If the spouse in question has a history of violence and abuse, a person should not put themselves in any danger or harm by spying on their spouse if they believe they are cheating. It is important to get in touch with the authorities or a support line to talk about the options that are available.

Things to consider before spying

Have you tried using alternatives to spying first? If you have mild uncertainties about what your partner is up to, it might be worth approaching them about their behaviour or attitude before hand.

Consider whether you are ready for the conflict that will arise when your spouse realises that you have been spying on them. The chances are that they will be upset, angry, accuse you of not trusting them, and may even deny their own actions or try to make you feel guilty for spying.

In addition, certain forms of spying are illegal. Ensure that you familiarise yourself with the law, or speak to a professional detective agency about the use of spy equipment, recording devices, vehicle trackers and internet/phone software.

If you have been through all these steps and still feel like spying on your partner is the only option open to you, then we have laid out a selection of our best products for catching a cheating spouse.

What’s next?

If you are quite sure that gaining the evidence you require to catch your cheating spouse should be done using covert methods, then the next step is to decide whether you are going to hire a private investigator or take matters into your own hands.

At Spy Equipment UK, we manufacture and supply a range of spy cameras, vehicle trackers, asset trackers, voice recorders, spy phones and computer monitoring software to gain the evidence you require to catch your cheating partner in the act.

If you do not feel comfortable addressing the issue single-handedly, we can also put you in touch with a professional team of private investigators, who can use their specialist equipment to help you uncover the truth.

Contact Spy Equipment UK today

To speak to a member of our friendly, professional team, give Spy Equipment UK a call on 024 7601 0588. You can also fill out our online contact enquiry form.